


Your wood floor are your pride and joy – but no matter how careful you are, there still will be times when you will need repairs. For any of your wood floor repairing needs, don’t hesitate to call on our wood floor repair specialist. We’re happy to help!

We offer a variety of repair services, including:

dot Custom stripping and re-stain
Free on site estimate!

dot “Squeak” fixing

dot Custom replacement and repair of
antique wood floor planks

dot Epoxy Floors

dot Individual plank or plank section
replacement for any species of wood

dot Scratch or “ding” filling

dot Stain removal from spills

dot Refinish high-traffic areas and areas
that get direct sun exposure.

Custom Design Masters in Wood Refinishing Bonafide Dustless Systems. Fabrication – Installations, and Restoration of Granite Surface.

We also provide expert experienced services for

Hardwoods Tiles – Stone – Floors – Walls – Staircase - Cabinets – Counters – Carpets

Interior and Exterior for Residential and Commercial.
Call (818-262-5707) Today. We look forward to meeting with you.